The Jerusalem Society for Music Education and Research - The National Conservatory of Music

The Jerusalem Society for Music Education and Research - The National Conservatory of Music is working in Jerualem   since1996 in the premises of the YWCA of Jerusalem. After several years, it relocated to the first floor of the old Regent Hotel building in Azzahra Street. The NCM moved to its new permanent home in the renovated historic Shihabi building on the same street in summer 2012. The NCM has 400 students enrolled for the academic year 2023-2024. 

Contact Details:
Summer Working Hours:
Till June 24:Tuesday - Saturday from 13:00 - 20:00
From June 24 - July 24: Satuday - Thursday 9:00 - 16:00
11 Azzahra St, Shihabi Building
East Jerusalem
Tel:+972 (0)2-626-3230
Fax: +972 (0)2-627-1710   
WhatsApp/Mobile: +972548085526
General Director: Suhai Khoury -
Deputy: Rania Boulos:
Admin Asistant:  Suhmayah Abu Rmelleh -