CDs / DVDs
As part of its mission to teach and promote music, the ESNCM produces high-quality recordings. The CDs are available at various shops throughout Palestine and in the ESNCM’s branches; on Amazon digital downloads; and through online streaming from Spotify and other digital platforms.
The productions are:

Al-Fawanees CD is a collection of 28 songs from the musical of the same title, composed by Suhail Khoury to the lyrics of Waseem Kurdi, based on the original children's story by Ghassan Kanafani entitled "The Small Lanterns". Hania Soudah-Sabbara trained and conducted the Shams student Choir. The music was orchestrated by Bishara el Khil and performed by The European Youth Orchestra under the baton of Christof Alstaedt. A DVD of the musical comes with the CD.

Jerusalem After Midnight
This is a collection of compositions by Suhail Khoury, arranged by Ahmad Al Khatib. Eight pieces are inspired by the intense experiences of the composer over a period of ten years. Charged with emotions of love and pain, they are marked by the anguish caused by an ongoing occupation that leaves its scars on the core of the individual. Featured in the recording are four Palestinian musicians and four international musicians: Ahmad Al Khatib on oud and buzuq, Ibrahim Atari on qanoun, Heather Bursheh on flute, Youssef Hbeisch on percussion, and Suhail Khoury on Nay and clarinet, Peter Herbert on double-bass, Juergen Kersten on Drums and cellist Nicolas Alstaedt. Recorded in Germany, the CD was launched in March 2010 during the Oriental Music Ensemble's US tour.

Until When
This is a collection of songs expressing the pains and hopes of the Palestinian people and a testimony to their suffering as experienced by the composer. Music, Lyrics & Piano Accompaniment - Rima Nasir Tarazi, Soprano - Tania Nasir. It was recorded by Suhail Khoury, mixed and edited by Dieter Denzer and produced and launched by the ESNCM in 2006.

Bass Shwai
Bass Shwai is the first children's CD produced by the ESNCM, featuring four children, ages 9 to 11 (1 boy and three girls) singing 12 songs composed by Suhail Khoury with lyrics written by various Palestinian poets and writers. Each song deals with a theme relating to children The singers are accompanied by members of the Oriental Music Ensemble. Suhail Khoury on Nay and Clarinet, Ahmad Al-Khatib on Oud and Buzuq, Ibrahim Atari on Qanoun and Youssef Hbeish on Percussion and with guest artist Peter Herbert on the Contrabass. Released 2003.

Ahmad Al Khatib’s Solo Oud CD was released in May 2005. It is a compilation of nine pieces composed while Ahmad was living in Ramallah during the invasion of that city in 2002. Khatib has been unable to return to Palestine permanently, and currently lives in Sweden. "I wrote the music here ... there in Palestine – the land of blood and wounds, on the sounds of gunshots, the rumbles of bombs and the shrieks of bulldozers. While writing, I was also reflecting: “How can I write a note between two tears, and what tune will equate that of a funeral hymn that would console a mourning heart, or an orphan who lost his father or a child that died on her mother’s breast?” But this is Palestine and these are its stories and its music amalgamated with the olive oil and vineyards of Palestine … its music that expands from joys to anguish." Ahmad Al-Khatib, Ramallah, April 2002.

Karloma, the second production of the ESNCM, is another group from the Conservatory, which brings together teachers from both the Arabic and Western Music departments to produce a unique fusion of genres. Each piece in this CD is a well-furnished musical experience based on a simple melody. Around this basic line is a plethora of images, intertwining sounds and playful ornamentations, which can be interpreted by the listener in many ways.

Emm el Khilkhal
The Oriental Music Ensemble is comprised of Arabic Music Department teachers at the ESNCM, and this was the first of a series of CDs to be produced by the ESNCM. The CD contains Arabic and oriental classical music performed by Suhail Khoury (Nay & Clarinet), Khaled Joubran (Oud & Buzuq), Ramzi Bisharat (Percussion), Habib Shehadeh (Oud) and Ibrahim Atari (Qanoun).