The ESNCM launched the new academic year 2020-2021

The ESNCM launched the new academic year 2020-21
Safety precautions
The Edward Said National Conservatory of Music has embarked on the 2020-21 academic year, using both face-to-face and online learning, in all its branches in Jerusalem, Ramallah, Bethlehem, Nablus, and Gaza. To combat the COVID-19 pandemic, the Conservatory is implementing the public safety precautions stipulated by the World Health Organization and has issued an advisory leaflet that has been circulated among ESNCM students, their parents, and all employees.
A new program: Bidayat
Traditionally, the Conservatory has offered three academic programs: the formal education program, the amateur program, and the outreach program. This year, a new program entitled Bidayat (Beginnings) has been introduced to provide children aged 7 to 11 years with the opportunity to learn the basics of several musical instruments. By making this experience possible, the Conservatory aims to help them choose the instrument they would like to learn at a lower cost and in a relatively short time (three months).
The following messages have been circulated to invite students to join the ESNCM family through the bidayat program:
Nai teacher Faris Ishaq
Percussion teacher Eyad Abu Laila:
Head of the string department Kirill Kalmykov:
[Position] Heather Bursheh and oud teacher Ibrahim Najem (in Arabic):
This short video was issued via 24FM Broadcasting & Media Production Company:
Educational workshops
Preceding the beginning of the new academic year, a number of educational workshops were offered for our academic staff with the aim of improving the quality of online teaching and advancing the educational process for both teachers and students. They covered topics including “Increasing motivation among children,” “Improving the quality of education in the Arabic singing department,” “Developing a database for academic supervisors,” “Fostering a musical culture in Palestinian homes in line with the ESNCM’s vision,” and “Developing distance teaching skills.”