Fundraising dinner in Bethlehem
As part of the 25th Anniversary activities, the ESNCM held a fundraising dinner and musical celebration on 26th January at the Jacir Palace Hotel in Bethlehem. The event was sponsored by the National Beverage Company, and supported by generous donations of services and gifts from several local companies as well as the 160 individual guests who purchased tickets. The musical performance included the “Banat al Quds” (Daughters of Jerusalem) choir, an Arabic music ensemble from the ESNCM, the singer Miral Ayyad who performed Arab “Tarab” songs, and Milad Fatouleh singing opera arias. During the event the ESNCM administration presented Mrs Rima Tarazi, the chair of the ESNCM board of trustees, with a plaque honouring and recognizing her 25 years of service, vision and commitment to the conservatory. The ESNCM is extremely grateful to all who contributed to the fundraising event. All proceeds will go towards student scholarships and activities.