Christmas Nights 2021After a two-year absence due to the pandemic, Christmas celebrations were back to be celebrated at the Conservatory.
“... Continue Reading
The Ramallah Studio - A platform for music making in Palestine. A Fruitful collaboration between ESNCM and Jafra Music Production
The Ramallah Studio is a space with... Continue Reading
A Colourful Performance for the Intermediate Certificates Commencement CeremonyOn the 30th of November, the ESNCM organized an exceptional performance for the intermediate certificate commencement... Continue Reading
“Banat al Quds” - Daughters of Jerusalem - Tour 2021A special concert was held in Jerusalem and Oslo simultaneously... A musical show that crosses borders
In... Continue Reading
"Shu Hal Ayam"... Gaza Qanoun Ensemble’s second major productionNew arrangement for Ziad Rahbani song from Gaza
The founder and director of the ensemble Anas al Najjar... Continue Reading
The Edward Said National Conservatory of Music Debuts the first performance of...“For the first time in the history of Arabic music, the Edward Said National Conservatory of Music is launching a new... Continue Reading
Musical evenings to revive culture in the capitalVarious concerts were organized by the conservatory and held at Faisal al Husseini Theatre in Yabous Cultural Center,... Continue Reading
The Palestine National Music Competition celebrates the winners with a special...Despite the challenges imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic, the conservatory organized its sixth edition of the Palestine... Continue Reading
On the International Day of People of Determination, an evening titled “Music...On the occasion of the International Day for the Declaration of Human Rights and on the Day of Solidarity with People... Continue Reading
Music and the Community It should be noted here that Banat Al-Quds also inaugurated the Wain A Ramallah (best translated with “Let’s Go to... Continue Reading
Enriching Talents In line with its vision that aims to foster a creative and vibrant musical culture, the ESNCM focuses on continuously... Continue Reading
New Promising EnsemblesAs part of its educational mission and to expand its range of ensembles, the Conservatory established Al-Mathhabjiyeh,... Continue Reading